Jul 14, 2016 | Featured 2, Recipes
Torricados with Chutney of Dried Tomatoes Ingredients (for 2 people): 2 Bread slices 1 Garlic Clove Q.B of Olive Oil Q. B. of Salt Flower Flavored with Boa Boca oregano 2 slices of Q.B Ham of dried tomato Chutney from Compotes and Chutneys QB of fresh Mozzarella ...
Jun 30, 2016 | Featured 2, My Own Book
Summer has arrived and you can already start making a list of books to take with you in your luggage…Here are some suggestions! This article was written in association with the Blog...
May 31, 2016 | Featured 2, My Own Book
The sun came out! Go outside, enjoy, but always in the best of companies…books! Check out our tips: This article was written in association with the Blog...
Apr 22, 2016 | Featured 2, My Own Book
Many Books in April….. This article was written in association with the Blog...
Feb 26, 2016 | Featured 2, My Own Book
As the proverb goes “Water from February fills the barn”, with the water that has fallen this month you can fill your library with the February's literary novelties and start reading at the sound of the falling rain…. The article was written together with ...
Feb 1, 2016 | Featured 2, My Own Book
For what we'fe senn so far from January, we can get our spirits up for the upcoming year. 2016 will be a good year regarding the Portuguese books…Happy reading! This article was written in collaboration with the Flames Blog. ...
Jan 14, 2016 | Curiosities, Featured 2
Possibly, if you are Portuguese, you must have heard the name of D. Sesnando Davides during history lessons in school... or maybe not! But this character, half forgotten, had a key role in the design of what is Portugal nowadays. So, who was D. Sesnando Davides and what was his...
Dec 30, 2015 | Featured 2, My Own Book
This month is booked for balance sheets and in this way we decided, with the valuable support of our dear Blog Flames, to select the 10 best books of 2015, by category and always by Portuguese-speaking authors! It was not an easy choice and it on our responsibility, but...
Dec 1, 2015 | Featured 2, My Own Book
Eugénio de Andrade was born in 19 th of January 1923 and left us a vast literary work namely poetry, Os amantes sem dinheiro (1950), As palavras interditas (1951), Escrita da Terra (1974), Matéria Solar (1980), Rente ao dizer (1992), Ofício da...
Nov 10, 2015 | Curiosities, Featured 2
The apparition of Our Lady of the Mountain The moment of the apparition of Holy Lady of the Mountain is very old. The legend tells us that, one afternoon, a woman, claiming to be from Alcongosta, carrying her daughter, went to Gardunha's mountain to gather wood for the fire, at the same time...
Oct 13, 2015 | Featured 2, Opinion article
António Ponte Regional Director for Northern Culture In Portugal the expansion of Romanesque architecture coincides with the reign of D. Afonso Henriques, when the works on the Cathedrals of Lisbon, Coimbra and Oporto and Coimbra and Oporto began and the Monastery ...
of Mar 26, 2015 | Curiosities, Featured 2
Egas Moniz - The Aio Egas Moniz of Ribadouro, was born in years 70 eleventh century and belonged to a prominent family of the territory of Ribadouro. At that time it was normal the royal children are educated together of noble families who became his tutors. Egas Moniz was ...